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*本動画はジャスティン モリスさんの個人的な体験に基づくもので、個人的な見解や感想を述べています。全ての糖尿病のある方を代表するものではありません。






全世界には、さまざまなレベルのコミュニティグループが存在しています。日本にもいくつかの素晴らしいグループがあることを知っています。私がオーストラリアで複数の本当に素晴らしいグループに参加することができたのは、とても幸運なことだったと断言できます。ただし、このようなコミュニティグループに参加できなかったとしても、 自らコミュニティグループの結成を働きかけることや、立ち上げることを考え始めることはできるでしょう。

人々にインスピレーションを与える出来事や、価値のある出来事のなかに、たったひとりの力で成し遂げられたものはひとつもありません。グループやコミュニティ 家族、友人をはじめとする人々のサポートこそが、1型糖尿病とともに生きる人生を成功に導く最も重要な鍵となるのです。


これは素晴らしく 大いに活用しています。



[字幕テキスト 1]

[字幕テキスト 2]
 アスリート ミュージシャン 医師 政治家 パイロット

[字幕テキスト 3]
 糖尿病チャリティー サマーキャンプ 政府 病院でのサポートグループ

[字幕テキスト 4]





Rolling into another year with Type 1 diabetes.

This year will mark 27 years of my life with ichigata tonyobyo.  And as I approach the actual day in which I was diagnosed, the anniversary of my diabetes diagnosis, it's a good time I feel to reflect on what has changed over the years since my diagnosis.

Three things stick out to me as the major things that have dramatically changed over the time since I've had Type 1 diabetes.  The first of which is something that we all use every day and we've all likely seen a bit of change in even over the last five years, and that is the type of technology we have access to, to manage our blood sugar levels.

It might be continuous glucose monitoring, an insulin pump, or even the types of insulin we use.  The developments in technology have really helped us enable more life out of our lives with Type 1 diabetes.  They make most of our lives much easier, giving us more tools to manage our blood sugar levels and given us more insight into how our bodies respond to different situations in life.

Another huge change over my life with Type 1 diabetes is the amount of exposure we have to role models with Type 1 diabetes.  Nowadays, I can look at musicians, athletes, pop stars, politicians, authors, academics, pilots even, there's all these cool things that people are doing in life despite the challenge of Type 1 diabetes.  And being able to both see and hear about their stories of dealing with ichigata tonyobyo, I find it really inspiring and I think everyone else can also find it inspiring to see what other people with the same challenges we have in life, are able to achieve in spite of their challenge.

Number three is I think the most important thing in life with Type 1 diabetes.  It's been constant for my life for these past 27 years, and I think it's something that everyone can get involved in and everyone can make the most of with Type 1 diabetes, and that is the aspect of community.

Recently, I did some presentations in Singapore where I got to meet a community group called typeOne.sg who run both online and in-person support programs for people who are both recently diagnosed or have been living with Type 1 diabetes for long time.  And the asset that we are to each other as people with Type 1 diabetes, I think is the most important tool we can have in our toolkit for both dealing with diabetes on a day-to-day basis and being able to draw inspiration for what we might be able to achieve with Type 1 diabetes in the future.

Community groups exist across the world at different levels.  I know we have some cool ones in Japan.  Definitely, I've been very lucky to be part of some really amazing groups in Australia.  But these community groups, if you can't get involved with one, maybe you can start thinking about instigating or initiating your own community group.  Nothing inspirational or nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved alone.  The support of groups, community, family, friends, other people, is really the most important key to success in life with Type 1 diabetes.

Without the support of community groups I wouldn't be able to achieve my dream to be a professional bike rider, or do any of the other cool things I've been grateful to be able to do in life, include get married and become a father.

So, the three most important things that I've come to appreciate over my 27 years with type one diabetes is one, Technology, really cool, make the most of it.  Two, Role Models, seek them out.  Whatever you want to pursue, there's someone who's done it and been able to achieve success despite Type 1 diabetes.  And three, the most important, the Community Groups.  If you don't have a community group, maybe think about trying to start one or ask your healthcare providers about what's the best way you can get in touch with the diabetes community in your area.

ジャスティン モリス氏 略歴:





Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
Instagram: @justinmorrismdog
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com




チーム ノボ ノルディスク所属選手一覧。チーム ノボ ノルディスクに所属している選手の紹介ページです。

