ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
こんにちは ジャスティン
2. 血糖値を確認する方法を理解する
4. 糖尿病の管理が大変なときでも励ます
Konichiwa. It's Justin Morris here. I'm back in the USA this month
where we're about to approach the first birthday of our son,
Being a parent for this past year has really been one of the most
amazing and rewarding experiences in my life so far. But as with
anything that's been worthwhile in life, it has not been possible
alone. This experience has really highlighted to me how important it
is to embrace the help of other people in life, whether it's from your
partner, from your friends, or from the rest of your family. This is
especially important not just for being a parent but life with
diabetes in general.
I think, often, especially if you're diagnosed at a young age, it
can feel like not just you who are diagnosed, but the entire family,
especially your parents and maybe siblings.
So, sometimes, it can feel like, hey, this is my disease, I'm a
burden on other people. But often, actually, other people want to help
you, and there are some ways where, if you are a partner or a friend
or a family member of someone with diabetes, there are a few simple
things you can do and have a really big effect on the life of the
person with diabetes.
I wanted to chat a bit about a few of these simple steps you might
be able to take, or you can share with your friends, family, or loved
ones who have type 1 diabetes.
The odd hypoglycemia episode happens to all of us with type 1
diabetes. People who care for us, if they're around us a lot, like a
partner, a wife, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a husband, a mother or a
father, if they're prepared for some kind of hypoglycemia, with
something like orange juice, which my wife always keeps around, then
we can rest assured that we're going be in safe hands if we're around
the people that care for us.
Carrying and knowing how to use a blood glucose testing machine is
also very confidence inspiring for people like me who live with
diabetes. Maybe you can ask someone that's close to you to carry with
them a blood glucose testing machine and know a bit about what the
numbers mean.
My moods can fluctuate with my blood sugar levels. My wife is really
good at pointing out to me when she senses that I'm going low. Quite
often, she will know before I even know.
Type 1 diabetes, like parenting, can be hard work, but it can also
be very rewarding, especially if you have the support of the people
around you.
More often than not, the people around you really want to help you.
So, if you can give them a few tips about how they can help you the
most to achieve your dreams despite this extra challenge in your life,
it will make life easier not just for you but also for the people
around you. They often will feel empowered and inspired and encouraged
to know that they can help you with this challenge in your life.
So, I encourage you to get out there, ask for some help if you need
it, and give some of these tips to those people who are closest to
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com