ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
*本動画はジャスティン モリスさんの個人的な体験に基づくもので、個人的な見解や感想を述べています。全ての糖尿病のある方を代表するものではありません。
こんにちは。ジャスティン モリスです。今回は秋を迎えた米国ミシガン州からお届けします。冬が近づくにつれ、日を追うごとに日は短くなり、気温は急速に下がっています。一年のこの時期には適応するのが難しくなることがあります。モチベーションを保ち続けるのが非常に難しく、ポジティブであり続けることが困難になります。そして糖尿病の管理においても、夏の間にはあまり見られないいくつかの課題に直面することがあります。
また、新しい技術や治療法について、糖尿病に関わる人々と気軽に話すことは、血糖管理で悩んでいるときにもとても役に立ちます。私は最近、糖尿病のコミュニティを通じ、持続血糖測定 (CGM) に対して、オーストラリア政府が出資している助成金のことを知りました。このことはこの秋、大きな助けになりました。また将来的にも、特に運動時の血糖値管理を、サポートしてくれるものになると考えています。このように、糖尿病のコミュニティを利用することは、生活のあらゆる場面において助けとなります。特に対応が困難な時期をあなたが過ごしているのであれば、糖尿病のコミュニティを見つけ出し、利用することをおすすめします。医師、友人、看護士さらには薬剤師など、糖尿病に関する知識を持ち、糖尿病を持つ皆さんをサポートしている多くの人々が、糖尿病コミュニティの一員であることを忘れないでください。
Konnichiwa. This is Justin Morris here, reporting from Michigan in the United States, where it is autumn. It is becoming winter, the days are getting shorter, and the days are getting much colder. At this time of the year, it can be very difficult. Very difficult to stay motivated. Very difficult to stay positive and managing our diabetes can also face some challenges that we don’t normally see in the summertime.
In the autumn, I find it more difficult to manage my blood sugar levels. The colder temperatures, seem to have confound the control I have of my normally stable blood sugar levels. Having to deal with this and also the darker, shorter, colder days then has a negative effect on my mood. Mood is difficult to control at the best of times, but I find it very difficult when the weather is bad outside. And in autumn when you know it’s only getting worse. So for these reasons, I find this time of year the most challenging, but there are a number of things that I have done, and I can do to make it not as challenging as it needs to be.
The things that improve my mood also improve my blood sugar control and vice versa. For me one of those big things is exercise, so I try to find time even if it’s just for 15 minutes per day to take a walk with my dog and my baby Broony Kun or maybe 30 minutes on an indoor bicycle just to burn some calories and make me feel like I have achieved something and been able to lift the mood.
Usually, on these days, my blood sugar control is much better than on days I am unable to do these exercises or mood-boosting activities. But to boost the mood does not require exercise. There are many things that can boost the mood and then subsequently help with their blood sugar management. Maybe it’s playing a musical instrument, maybe it’s writing a story, maybe it’s reading a book whatever puts a smile on your face even if it is for a short time, I guarantee it will help the mood and then of course help the blood sugar levels.
Chatting with my diabetes team about new technologies and new treatments that might be able to help my blood sugar management through a difficult time is also very helpful. I recently used my diabetes team to find out about a subsidy with the Australian Government for continuous glucose monitors. This has been a huge help for me through this autumn period, and also, I know will help me through the future especially to manage blood sugar levels whilst I am exercising. So, using the diabetes team is essential in all parts of life but if you are going through a time that you find particularly challenging, then I always encourage you to find and use that diabetes team. Remember that’s your doctor, that’s your friends, that’s a nurse educator, even your pharmacist, lots of people who know about diabetes and can help you with your diabetes are part of your diabetes team.
But most importantly if you are going through a difficult season whether it is with your mood or with your blood sugar management remind yourself. It is a season, it will pass. Bad things happen in life, but they have an end date. We usually grow and develop through these times, and they make us stronger on the other side. But it’s important to push through these times and remind ourselves it won’t be like this forever. Things will improve! The sun will be back. The light will be back. The warmth will be back.
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com